Set mayAlias to Yes
Set samples to the description
Build a color attachment description
Build a depth attachment description
Build a depth-stencil attachment description
the format of the attachment
The ImageLayout transition of the attachment. layoutTrans.from is the initial layout of the attachment when it enters the render pass. it is up to the programmer to ensure that the attachment will be in this state. is the layout of the attachment when it exits the render pass.
Set mayAlias to Yes if a part of the attachment memory is shared with parts of other attachments in the same render pass.
the operations to be performed on the attachment color and depth attachments may only need to define the ops member depth-stencil attachments must define both ops (for depth) and stencilOps members.
Sample count of the attachment Must be a power of two between 1 and 64
the operations to be performed on the attachment color and depth attachments may only need to define the ops member depth-stencil attachments must define both ops (for depth) and stencilOps members.
Describes an image attachment in a render pass or framebuffer