1 /// This module is about comparison of floating point arithmetics.
2 /// Supported by this very informative article:
3 /// https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/
4 module gfx.math.approx;
6 import std.traits : isFloatingPoint;
8 pure @safe @nogc nothrow:
10 /// Different methods to check if two floating point values are close to each other.
11 enum ApproxMethod
12 {
13     /// Unit of Least Precision.
14     ulp,
15     /// Relative error
16     rel,
17     /// ULP, with absolute error
18     ulpAndAbs,
19     /// Relative and absolute error
20     relAndAbs,
21 }
23 /// Check with method given at runtime with default parameters
24 /// a and b can be any data sets supported by the approx template
25 bool approx(T)(ApproxMethod method, in T a, in T b)
26 {
27     final switch(method)
28     {
29         case ApproxMethod.ulp:
30             return approxUlp(a, b);
31         case ApproxMethod.rel:
32             return approxRel(a, b);
33         case ApproxMethod.ulpAndAbs:
34             return approxUlpAndAbs(a, b);
35         case ApproxMethod.relAndAbs:
36             return approxRelAndAbs(a, b);
37     }
38 }
40 /// Compare two data sets with ApproxMethod.ulp.
41 /// That is call scalarApproxUlp on each couple of the data sets.
42 alias approxUlp = approx!(ApproxMethod.ulp);
43 /// Compare two data sets with ApproxMethod.rel.
44 /// That is call scalarApproxRel on each couple of the data sets.
45 alias approxRel = approx!(ApproxMethod.rel);
46 /// Compare two data sets with ApproxMethod.ulpAndAbs.
47 /// That is call scalarApproxUlpAndAbs on each couple of the data sets.
48 alias approxUlpAndAbs = approx!(ApproxMethod.ulpAndAbs);
49 /// Compare two data sets with ApproxMethod.relAndAbs.
50 /// That is call scalarApproxRelAndAbs on each couple of the data sets.
51 alias approxRelAndAbs = approx!(ApproxMethod.relAndAbs);
54 /// Compute the ULP difference between two floating point numbers
55 /// Negative result indicates that b has higher ULP value than a.
56 template ulpDiff(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T)
57 {
58     long ulpDiff(in T a, in T b)
59     {
60         immutable fnA = FloatNum!T(a);
61         immutable fnB = FloatNum!T(b);
63         return (fnA - fnB);
64     }
65 }
67 /// Determines if two floating point scalars are maxUlps close to each other.
68 template scalarApproxUlp(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T)
69 {
70     bool scalarApproxUlp(in T a, in T b, in ulong maxUlps=4)
71     {
72         import std.math : abs;
74         immutable fnA = FloatNum!T(a);
75         immutable fnB = FloatNum!T(b);
77         if (fnA.negative != fnB.negative)
78         {
79             return a == b; // check for +0 / -0
80         }
82         return (abs(fnA - fnB) <= maxUlps);
83     }
84 }
86 /// Check whether the relative error between a and b is smaller than maxEps
87 template scalarApproxRel(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T)
88 {
89     bool scalarApproxRel (in T a, in T b, in T maxEps=4*T.epsilon)
90     {
91         import std.algorithm : max;
92         import std.math : abs;
93         const diff = abs(b-a);
94         const absA = abs(a);
95         const absB = abs(b);
96         const largest = max(absA, absB);
97         return diff <= maxEps*largest;
98     }
99 }
101 /// Determines if two floating point scalars are maxUlps close to each other.
102 /// If the absolute error is less than maxAbs, the test succeeds however.
103 /// This is useful when comparing against zero the result of a subtraction.
104 template scalarApproxUlpAndAbs(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T)
105 {
106     bool scalarApproxUlpAndAbs(in T a, in T b, in T maxAbs=0.0001, in ulong maxUlps=4)
107     {
108         import std.math : abs;
109         if (abs(b-a) <= maxAbs) return true;
110         return scalarApproxUlp(a, b, maxUlps);
111     }
112 }
114 /// Check whether the relative error between a and b is smaller than maxEps.
115 /// If the absolute error is less than maxAbs, the test succeeds however.
116 /// This is useful when comparing against zero the result of a subtraction.
117 template scalarApproxRelAndAbs(T) if (isFloatingPoint!T)
118 {
119     bool scalarApproxRelAndAbs(in T a, in T b, in T maxAbs=0.0001, in T maxEps=4*T.epsilon)
120     {
121         import std.math : abs;
122         if (abs(b-a) <= maxAbs) return true;
123         return scalarApproxRel(a, b, maxEps);
124     }
125 }
127 /// Generic template to check approx method on different sets of data.
128 template approx(ApproxMethod method)
129 {
130     import gfx.math.mat : Mat;
131     import gfx.math.vec : Vec;
133     /// Apply method on scalar
134     bool approx(T, Args...)(in T a, in T b, Args args)
135     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
136     {
137         static if (method == ApproxMethod.ulp)
138         {
139             return scalarApproxUlp(a, b, args);
140         }
141         else static if (method == ApproxMethod.rel)
142         {
143             return scalarApproxRel(a, b, args);
144         }
145         else static if (method == ApproxMethod.ulpAndAbs)
146         {
147             return scalarApproxUlpAndAbs(a, b, args);
148         }
149         else static if (method == ApproxMethod.relAndAbs)
150         {
151             return scalarApproxRelAndAbs(a, b, args);
152         }
153         else
154         {
155             static assert(false, "unimplemented");
156         }
157     }
158     /// Apply method check on vectors
159     bool approx(T, size_t N, Args...)(in T[N] v1, in T[N] v2, Args args)
160     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
161     {
162         static foreach (i; 0 .. N) {
163             if (!approx(v1[i], v2[i], args)) return false;
164         }
165         return true;
166     }
167     /// ditto
168     bool approx(T, size_t N, Args...)(in Vec!(T, N) v1, in Vec!(T, N) v2, Args args)
169     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
170     {
171         return approx(v1.data, v2.data, args);
172     }
173     /// Apply method check on arrays
174     bool approx(T, Args...)(in T[] arr1, in T[] arr2, Args args)
175     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
176     {
177         if (arr1.length != arr2.length) return false;
178         foreach (i; 0 .. arr1.length) {
179             if (!approx(arr1[i], arr2[i], args)) return false;
180         }
181         return true;
182     }
183     /// Apply method check on matrices
184     bool approx(T, size_t R, size_t C, Args...)(in T[C][R] m1, in T[C][R] m2, Args args)
185     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
186     {
187         static foreach (r; 0 .. R) {
188             if (!approx(m1[r], m2[r], args)) return false;
189         }
190         return true;
191     }
192     // /// ditto
193     bool approx(T, size_t R, size_t C, Args...)(in Mat!(T, R, C) m1, in Mat!(T, R, C) m2, Args args)
194     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
195     {
196         static foreach (r; 0 .. R) {
197             if (!approx(m1[r], m2[r], args)) return false;
198         }
199         return true;
200     }
201 }
204 private:
206 template FloatTraits(T)
207 if (isFloatingPoint!T)
208 {
209     static if (is(T == float))
210     {
211         alias IntType = int;
212         enum exponentMask = 0x7f80_0000;
213     }
214     else static if (is(T == double) || (is(T == real) && T.sizeof == 8))
215     {
216         alias IntType = long;
217         enum exponentMask = 0x7ff0_0000_0000_0000;
218     }
219     else static if (is(T == real) && T.sizeof > 8)
220     {
221         static assert(false, "FloatTraits unsupported for real.");
222     }
223 }
225 union FloatNum(T)
226 if (is(T == float) || is(T == double) || is(T == real) && T.sizeof == 8)
227 {
228     alias F = FloatTraits!T;
230     alias FloatType = T;
231     alias IntType = F.IntType;
233     this (FloatType f)
234     {
235         this.f = f;
236     }
238     FloatType f;
239     IntType i;
241     long opBinary(string op)(FloatNum rhs) const
242     if (op == "-")
243     {
244         return i - rhs.i;
245     }
247     @property bool negative() const
248     {
249         return i < 0;
250     }
252     debug @property IntType mantissa() const
253     {
254         enum IntType one = 1;
255         return i & ((one << T.mant_dig) - one);
256     }
258     debug @property IntType exponent() const
259     {
260         return ((i & F.exponentMask) >> T.mant_dig);
261     }
262 }
265 union FloatNum(T)
266 if (is(T == real) && T.sizeof > 8)
267 {
268     static assert(T.sizeof == 16 || T.sizeof == 12 || T.sizeof == 10, "Unexpected real size.");
270     static if (T.sizeof == 10)
271     {
272         struct Int
273         {
274             long l;
275             ushort h;
276         }
277     }
278     static if (T.sizeof == 12)
279     {
280         struct Int
281         {
282             long l;
283             uint h;
284         }
285     }
286     static if (T.sizeof == 16)
287     {
288         struct Int
289         {
290             long l;
291             ulong h;
292         }
293     }
295     real f;
296     Int i;
298     this (real f)
299     {
300         this.f = f;
301     }
303     long opBinary(string op)(FloatNum rhs) const
304     if (op == "-")
305     {
306         immutable lo = i.l - rhs.i.l;
307         // do not check for overflow of the hi long
308         return lo;
309     }
311     @property bool negative() const
312     {
313         return f < 0;
314     }
315 }
317 unittest
318 {
319     immutable fn1 = FloatNum!real(1);
320     immutable fn2 = FloatNum!real(-1);
322     assert(! fn1.negative);
323     assert(  fn2.negative);
324 }
326 unittest
327 {
328     import std.math : nextUp;
329     immutable real r1 = 0;
330     immutable real r2 = nextUp(r1);
332     immutable fn1 = FloatNum!real(r1);
333     immutable fn2 = FloatNum!real(r2);
335     assert(fn2 - fn1 == 1);
336 }