1 module gfx.graal.memory;
3 import gfx.core.rc;
4 import gfx.graal.device;
6 /// Properties of memory allocated by the device
7 enum MemProps {
8     none            = 0x00,
9     /// Memory resides on the device.
10     deviceLocal     = 0x01,
11     /// Memory is visible from cpu and therefore mappable.
12     hostVisible     = 0x02,
13     /// Memory seen from cpu is coherent with device memory.
14     hostCoherent    = 0x04,
15     /// Memory is cached on host. read/write is very fast, but flush operation is necessary after writing.
16     hostCached      = 0x08,
17     lazilyAllocated = 0x10,
18 }
20 /// Structure representing all heaps and types of memory from a device.
21 /// A device can have different heaps each supporting different types.
22 struct MemoryProperties {
23     MemoryHeap[] heaps;
24     MemoryType[] types;
25 }
27 struct MemoryHeap {
28     size_t size;
29     bool deviceLocal;
30 }
32 struct MemoryType {
33     MemProps props;
34     uint heapIndex;
35 }
37 struct MemoryRequirements {
38     /// minimal allocation requirement
39     size_t size;
40     /// alignment required when binding the resource to a memory with offset
41     size_t alignment;
42     /// mask where each bit is set if the corresponding memory type is supported.
43     /// For example if the resource supports types 0 and 2 from MemoryProperties,
44     /// memTypeMask will be 00000101
45     uint memTypeMask;
46 }
48 /// Holds a memory mapping to host visible memory.
49 /// Memory is unmapped when object goes out of scope.
50 /// It also acts as a void[], and allows to get a typed slice view on the data.
51 struct MemoryMap
52 {
53     import std.traits : isDynamicArray;
55     private DeviceMemory dm;
56     private size_t offset;
57     private void[] data;
58     private void delegate() unmap;
60     package(gfx) this(DeviceMemory dm, in size_t offset, void[] data, void delegate() unmap)
61     {
62         this.dm = dm;
63         this.offset = offset;
64         this.data = data;
65         this.unmap = unmap;
66     }
68     @disable this(this);
70     ~this()
71     {
72         // should handle dtor of MemoryMap.init
73         if (unmap) unmap();
74     }
76     void addToSet(ref MappedMemorySet set)
77     {
78         set.addMM(MappedMemorySet.MM(dm, offset, data.length));
79     }
81     /// Get a typed view on the memory map that support slice and indexing operations.
82     /// Params:
83     ///     offset =   the offset to the requested memory in bytes
84     ///     count =    the number of elements of type T.init[0] to be mapped
85     /// Warning: offset and count are not in the same units.
86     /// This is necessary in order to allow a memory block to hold several arrays
87     /// of different element types.
88     auto view(T)(in size_t offset=0, in size_t count=size_t.max)
89     if (isDynamicArray!T)
90     {
91         alias Elem = typeof(T.init[0]);
92         const len = count == size_t.max ? data.length-offset : count*Elem.sizeof;
93         return MemoryMapArrayView!Elem(cast(T)(data[offset .. offset+len]));
94     }
96     size_t opDollar() {
97         return data.length;
98     }
100     size_t[2] opSlice(size_t beg, size_t end) {
101         return [beg, end];
102     }
104     void[] opIndex() {
105         return data;
106     }
107     void[] opIndex(in size_t[2] slice) {
108         return data[ slice[0] .. slice[1] ];
109     }
111     void opIndexAssign(in void[] vals) {
112         data[] = vals;
113     }
114     void opIndexAssign(in void[] vals, size_t[2] slice) {
115         data[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = vals;
116     }
117 }
119 private struct MemoryMapArrayView(T)
120 {
121     private T[] data;
123     @property size_t opDollar(size_t dim : 0)() {
124         return data.length;
125     }
127     @property size_t[2] opSlice(size_t dim : 0)(size_t beg, size_t end) {
128         return [beg, end];
129     }
131     T[] opIndex() {
132         return data;
133     }
134     T[] opIndex(in size_t[2] slice) {
135         return data[ slice[0] .. slice[1] ];
136     }
138     void opIndexAssign(in T[] vals) {
139         data[] = vals;
140     }
141     void opIndexAssign(in T[] vals, size_t[2] slice) {
142         data[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = vals;
143     }
145     static if (!is(T == void)) {
146         T opIndex(size_t index) {
147             return data[index];
148         }
149         void opIndexAssign(in T val, size_t ind) {
150             data[ind] = val;
151         }
152         void opIndexAssign(in T val, size_t[2] slice) {
153             data[slice[0] .. slice[1]] = val;
154         }
155     }
156 }
159 interface DeviceMemory : AtomicRefCounted
160 {
161     /// Get the parent device
162     @property Device device();
164     @property uint typeIndex();
165     @property MemProps props();
166     @property size_t size();
168     /// Map device memory to host visible memory.
169     /// Params:
170     ///     offset =   the offset to the requested memory in bytes
171     ///     size =     the size of the mapping in bytes.
172     void* mapRaw(in size_t offset, in size_t size);
173     void unmapRaw();
175     /// Produce a scoped memory map.
176     /// The the memory will be unmapped when the object goes out of scope.
177     /// The is an untyped memory holder. In order to access the memory, call
178     /// view with the right type parameter.
179     /// Params:
180     ///     offset =   the offset to the requested memory in bytes
181     ///     count =    the number of bytes to be mapped
182     final auto map(in size_t offset=0, in size_t sz=size_t.max)
183     {
184         const size = sz==size_t.max ? this.size : sz;
185         auto data = mapRaw(offset, size)[0 .. size];
186         return MemoryMap(this, offset, data, &unmapRaw);
187     }
188 }
192 /// cast a typed slice into a blob of bytes
193 /// (same representation; no copy is made)
194 void[] untypeSlice(T)(T[] slice) if(!is(T == const))
195 {
196     if (slice.length == 0) return [];
197     auto loc = cast(void*)slice.ptr;
198     return loc[0 .. slice.length*T.sizeof];
199 }
201 /// ditto
202 const(void)[] untypeSlice(T)(const(T)[] slice)
203 {
204     if (slice.length == 0) return [];
205     auto loc = cast(const(void)*)slice.ptr;
206     return loc[0 .. slice.length*T.sizeof];
207 }
209 /// cast a blob of bytes into a typed slice
210 T[] retypeSlice(T)(void[] slice) if (!is(T == const))
211 in {
212     assert (!slice.length || (slice.length % T.sizeof) == 0);
213 }
214 body {
215     if(slice.length == 0) return [];
216     auto loc = cast(T*)slice.ptr;
217     return loc[0 .. slice.length / T.sizeof];
218 }
220 /// ditto
221 const(T)[] retypeSlice(T)(const(void)[] slice)
222 in {
223     assert (!slice.length || (slice.length % T.sizeof) == 0);
224 }
225 body {
226     if(slice.length == 0) return [];
227     auto loc = cast(const(T)*)slice.ptr;
228     return loc[0 .. slice.length / T.sizeof];
229 }
231 unittest {
232     int[] slice = [1, 2, 3, 4];
233     auto bytes = cast(ubyte[])untypeSlice(slice);
234     auto ints = retypeSlice!int(bytes);
235     assert(bytes.length == 16);
236     version(LittleEndian) {
237         assert(bytes == [
238             1, 0, 0, 0,
239             2, 0, 0, 0,
240             3, 0, 0, 0,
241             4, 0, 0, 0,
242         ]);
243     }
244     else {
245         assert(bytes == [
246             0, 0, 0, 1,
247             0, 0, 0, 2,
248             0, 0, 0, 3,
249             0, 0, 0, 4,
250         ]);
251     }
252     assert(ints.length == 4);
253     assert(ints == slice);
254     assert(ints.ptr == slice.ptr);
255 }
257 /// cast an array of typed slices to another array of blob of bytes
258 /// an allocation is performed for the top container (the array of arrays)
259 /// but the underlying data is moved without allocation
260 void[][] untypeSlices(T)(T[][] slices) if (!is(T == const)) {
261     void[][] res = new void[][slices.length];
262     foreach(i, s; slices) {
263         res[i] = untypeSlice(s);
264     }
265     return res;
266 }
268 /// ditto
269 const(void)[][] untypeSlices(T)(const(T)[][] slices) {
270     const(void)[][] res = new const(void)[][slices.length];
271     foreach(i, s; slices) {
272         res[i] = untypeSlice(s);
273     }
274     return res;
275 }
277 unittest {
278     int[][] texels = [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ];
279     auto bytes = cast(ubyte[][])untypeSlices(texels);
280     assert(bytes.length == 2);
281     assert(bytes[0].length == 8);
282     assert(bytes[1].length == 8);
283     version(LittleEndian) {
284         assert(bytes == [
285             [   1, 0, 0, 0,
286                 2, 0, 0, 0, ],
287             [   3, 0, 0, 0,
288                 4, 0, 0, 0, ],
289         ]);
290     }
291     else {
292         assert(bytes == [
293             [   0, 0, 0, 1,
294                 0, 0, 0, 2, ],
295             [   0, 0, 0, 3,
296                 0, 0, 0, 4, ],
297         ]);
298     }
299 }